About JoyG CHEN
About JoyG CHEN

About JoyG CHEN

About me

👀 I am focusing on : Web3 infra / AI.
🎧 Subscribe my telegram channel to see what I am doing: JoyG | Web3’ telegram
💫 My favorite product now: nansen. I want to combine the power of AI on blockchain.
🛹 For myself : skateboarding, popping dancing, podcast.
🧑🏻‍🎓 Also I am a PhD student, probably nothing.
Web3 reading list


  • Founded A web3 start up group : PeninCrypto ( Website will soon be available.)
  • Our mission:
    • Boost the paradigm shift from web2 to web3.
  • All our products:
    • web3 infra.
    • Bridge the web2 with web3.
Current Project : Suiet.app
More are under development. Stay tuned. 🥰


  • 2017: Bought BTC & ETH & EOS ➡️ All in EOS ➡️ You know what happened. 🙂
  • 2020 - 2021 : Buy ETH & Leverage & derivatives.
  • 2021 - 2022 : DeFi & NFT ➡️ Web3 Entrepreneurship.
  • I will start my trip to Singapore in 5.26 to start the journey of web3 in real world.


Web3 reading list